Monday, August 01, 2005

Suicide Bombers Increase

In the Sunday NY Post, I came across a little blur article, which gave some disturbing information. Suicide bombings in Middle East and Europe in the last five years is the worst the world has seen. Since 9/11, these attacks have killed over 4,400 people.

"Suicide attacks have risen from an average of 3 per year in the 1980s to about 10 per year in the 1990s to nearly 50 in 2003," professor Robert Pape of the University of Chicago.

This trend shows a key issue-- more Muslims are turning toward extremism, or these Muslims, who already have extremist views, are starting to act out more through means of suicide attacks. If you sit and do the math, these trends show something highly disturbing and worrisome.


Blogger Esther said...

Suicide bombings in Middle East and Europe in the last five years is the worst the world has seen.

But isn't the method of the suicide bomb a relatively new tactic? Therefore, it shouldn't be a huge shock that it's the worst it's been?

I know it's scary and I don't mean to belittle it, but don't let it get you too down....after all, we lose far more people in car accidents.

8/01/2005 9:40 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

actually, i read that this type of attack has been going on for over 2000 years, although now it is far more concentrated, and far more deadly thanks to good old technological advances. i forgot who said a quote, but summed up, it said that technology can make lives easier on one hand, and on the other, squash us like a bug. how else would they have made 3 'Terminator' movies.

8/01/2005 9:52 PM

Blogger Esther said...

2000 years!? Are you serious? Oh right the kamikaze pilots, and I guess they had another way prior to that....my bad. But yes, thanks to technology....oy.

LOVED the first two Terminator movies. I refuse to even acknowledge there is a third one. ;)

8/02/2005 1:18 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

since you asked, i'll try and find some more information, because i too have no idea what they mean other than suicide 'tactics' have been used.

the third terminator was a decent movie, not better than the terminator 2. if you want to talk about the crappiest movies in a trilogy, look no further than 'The Godfather'. part 1 was my favorite, 2 was great, but 3 was an atrocity. every yom kippur for the past 2 years since i got it on dvd, ive done a Godfather movie marathon, which passes the time (9 hrs)

8/02/2005 8:27 PM

Blogger Unknown said...


A Look At The History Of Suicide Attacks

i read the brief paragraph. they have dialogue, but i didn't have time to listen to it. i searched for books, but i'm not getting anywhere.

8/03/2005 10:13 PM


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