Monday, August 08, 2005

A Message From A Tribute

Peter Jennings, ABC news anchor passed away last night after battling with lung cancer. MSNBC has had some great tributes to him, one on the Abrams Report, and the other on Countdown With Keith Olbermann.

Keith's was especially good. One note I would like to pass on (which he said in the tribute) was to quit smoking or get someone else to quit. Nicotine is highly addictive and hazardous drug. But now with the patch and gum, there are ways to get rid of cravings and aid in the quitting process.

I do not approve of smoking, nor have I ever smoked. The name of my other blog 'Nicotine & Rock' came about with a random blurb that 'The Beak' said was good enough for a name, (I have to admit it is catchy.) The use of 'nicotine' was to signify the addiction to rock music, especially in my case.

My grandmother was a heavy smoker. When my parents had me, she decided to quit. She has never picked up another cigarette to this day. During her cold turkey days, there were no real patches or gum, so when she quit, she really quit. I am glad she did, yet I am not sure whether she knows that I know she used to be a smoker.


Blogger Esther said...

You're right. Smoking is horrible. My friend's dog had lung cancer because her uncle had smoked and kept all the windows closed. After he died, she got his dog and found out it had lung cancer too. Anyone who says second hand smoke is bogus doesn't know what they're talking about.

8/09/2005 1:04 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

i don't know if you saw a report done by some university on secondhand smoke. briefly, it said that since NY public smoking ban, employees have complained less about sore throats and have called out sick less.

as for jersey, every time i go to a concert, i breath the crap and i end up smelling like it.

8/09/2005 9:14 AM


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